Creagh College Garden Club Fundraiser

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I’m going all in against cancer this Daffodil Day and raising funds to support cancer patients and their families across Ireland.

You can show your support too, by making a donation to my page today, you will be helping to fund the Irish Cancer Society's Support Line, free counseling, lifts to treatment, ground-breaking cancer research, funding to families facing a childhood cancer diagnosis and so much more.

Together, we can ensure that no one has to go through cancer alone. Thank you!

My Achievements

First donation

50% of Fundraising Target

Self Donated

Reached 5 donations

Reached Fundraising Goal

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My Updates

Flower Sale/ Hot Chocolate Morning

Tuesday 19th Mar

A flower sale/ hot chocolate morning will take place on Thursday 21st of March in aid of the Irish Cancer Society.  Students of the special classes as well as students of the School's Garden Club, who have been looking after the planting and care of the flowers will be selling them in the GP area from 9 to 11 on Thursday 21st March. There is also a link below for the fundraiser, if you wish to donate.

We are very grateful to St Aidan's Garden centre Gorey for freely supplying pots as well as compost for this fundraiser.

Thanks especially to all the special needs assistants,  teachers and care taking staff who  have been encouraging and supporting students in tending the daffodils and tulips over the past number of months and weeks.

Simply click here to make a donation through my page. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the link below into your browser:

Thank you so much for your support - it is truly appreciated.

Flower Sale/ Hot Chocolate Morning

Monday 18th Mar
A flower sale/hot chocolate morning will take place on Thursday 21st of March in aid of the Irish Cancer Society.  Students of the special classes as well as students of the School's Garden Club who have been looking after the planting and care of the flowers will be selling them in the GP area from 9 to 11 on Thursday 21st March. The students involved have been supported and encouraged by Special Needs Assistants and Teachers as well as auxiliary school staff in advance of this sale. Thanks also to St Aidans Garden Centre for their support in this venture. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Caroline Wallace